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wAI Travel Guide: How it Works

wAI travel Guide is an application for traveler’s and wanderlust that are looking to get various information before and while they travel. In particular we have recorded the best places to visit, restaurant to eat, hotel to sleep and shops to buy all other the world.

wAI contains interactive map and a User Interface developed specifically for travelers that allow them to easily find specific point of interest: place to visit, restaurant and much more. Once you have selected what you want to visit you can let you guide by the app to reach the places you are looking for

But what makes really wAI unique is its audio guide capabilities. Indeed it provide various information about all the places you can find on the map: monument, museum. wAI provides general information for all place but also information within the place itself! The Louvres in Paris for instance will have audio guide about “La Joconde”, “le radeau de la meduse”, etc with an image associate with it.

wAI is not only about places but provide also broad information about countries and cities which is ideal when you want to get an overview of a city or a country before going there.

Another interesting feature is the possibility to share an image to your friend that will emphasisi your travel. Once click on the camera button in a specific audio guide you will be ask to take a picture and from this picture the app will create an image for you showing various information:

  • a map showing your current location
  • the name of the country and the place you are visiting including a small summary of what the place you are visiting is about
  • an image of the place you are visiting
  • and of course the image of you or what you want to show them you have taken