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wAi’s to use our app

wAi Travel Guide as several features that can be used for different things related to tourist sightseeing and travel. Below we have put what mae sense in a chronologic order.


Select a country and preparing your travel

When going to the menu explore and clicking on “explore countries” you will reach the world map where all the countries are visible. In the scroll dow menu you have the various countries sorted by distance from your location. When click on a country you will reach its audio guide which will provide you various information, in particular: overview, pros and cons, best places, what you need to prepare before going there, book, movie and music related to this country, food, culture, geopolitics, is it an expensive country,etc. These information will be plenty enough to get a grasp of the atmosphere of the country and to make a decision if the country match what you are looking for. In particular it will give you advice of what you need to bring there.

Make a High level plan of your journey

From several information related to the selected country : best cities to visit, best places to visit, diary to visit in 1 or 2 weeks you should be able to get a first good idea of what you really want to see. From these information we advice to go to explore menu and this time select explore cities. From there the best cities to stay and visit will be display on the map. From the initial knowledge you have when reading listening about the country selected, you can then see the various cities on the map, how far they are between each others and select cities you are interested in to know a bit more: what to visit in the city and around,etc. this way you can select fez cities you really want to pass by. From there you should have enough to make a high level plan and select the first city you will stay first

Define where you will stay the first few days prior departure

Now you should have selected the first town you want to visit. In this case the next step is to go to explore menu and select this time explore places. This time you will reach the map with all the places including place to visit, hotel, restaurant and shops. We advice you to use the hotel feature to review which hotel match your needs in terms of location and price. Ideally you might want to book an hotel for 2-3 days before you arrived.


Get some infos about the city you are in or the next city you are going to

The Audio guide menu will show you the audio guide of the town you are in, if it is a town worth to visit. Below you will have a list of cities interesting to visit from the closest to the farthest of your location. From there you can click and get various interesting information about the cities.

Choose what you want to visit and listen the audio guide

You can open the map and select which place you want to go and follow the direction to get there provided by the wAI Travel Guide. Once you reach the place open the audio guide. To open the audio guide you can click on the associate image on the map or in the main menu it will be the first thing displayed. Then listen about it get an overview and information about the main features of the place you are visiting.

Need a restaurant or a hotel close to you?

Maybe you are hungry and need to find a place to stay. Switch to the corresponding category, use the filter to match what you are looking for (western restaurant, local restaurant, street food) open the audio guide to get general information (price level, food menu) and launch the direction to get there.


When you reach a place you are visiting without using the travel guide

it arrives to me several time when I was traveling with people and following them to a place they wanted to see. For instance i was with a couple that wanted to stop to a tomb of a famous poet. While being there nothing to do i just open the map and the first thing i see was this tomb audio guide. So click on it and was able to know a bit more about the poet and it was quite interesting in fact. So didn’t loose my time at the end! 😉

Sharing is caring

our app contains a special features which allow you to send a picture automatically rework to present what you are visiting and that you can share to your friend or family on social media, email, etc.